Visual Storytelling

Visual Storytelling


Presentations are critical to selling your ideas and driving people to action, yet most fail to connect with their audience due to distracting visuals and poorly displayed data. When this happens, you’re almost guaranteed to lose your audience’s attention and, worse, your one shot at being heard.

This course will teach the participants to use impactful visual and evocative storytelling techniques in creating more persuasive presentation slides.


2 Days

Audience Profile

Recommended for employees at all functions be it a project manager, business analyst, sales professionals, strategist, HR personnel, finance executive and anyone who wants to take their presentations to the next level.


The training focus on concepts, rather than tools. However, participants must know how to use Microsoft PowerPoint & Excel and have the knowledge in creating slides

Course Outlines

  • The continuum of presentation
  • Say It Visually
  • Why visual?
  • The presentation design process
  • Contextualize the importance (WHO-WHY-WHAT)
  • Plan and structure the flow with 3-act-structure
  • Write insightful title
  • Principles of Ethical AI
  • Evaluating use of AI and its appropriateness
  • Identify ethical considerations related to current business.
  • Team activity to discuss and present ideas about AI use in their own business context.
RM 1399 HRDC Claimable
  • Certification
  • Real Case Application

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