Practical Way to Start a Data & AI Project

Practical Way to Start a Data & AI Project


Practical Way to Start a Data & AI Project is a workshop to help individuals and organizations successfully plan and execute a data and AI project. This training course is designed for working professionals who want to learn about the practical way of implementing data and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in the transformation of Industry 4.0. 

The course will cover essential knowledge and skills for managing data and AI technologies teams, as well as strategies for harnessing the new technologies to create value in the business. Low code or no code is one of the ways to have a quick win to validate data and AI model to your business.


1 Day

Audience Profile

Any professional who is interested in using data and artificial intelligence (AI) to solve business problems or take advantage of new opportunities. This could include data scientists, business analysts, IT professionals, and executives who are looking to use data and AI to drive business value.



Course Outlines

  • Understand IR4.0
  • Understand data & AI at current era
  • Understand and adopt the strategy and execution plan for data & AI for the business
  • Understand the theory of machine learning modelling
  • Learn the practical way of using low code/no code to build ML models
  • Understand the theory of image and video analytics
  • Learn the practical way of using low code/no code to build computer vision solution
  • Understand the theory of text analytics
  • Learn the practical way of using low code/no code to build NLP solution
  • Learn how to set success criteria to data & AI initiatives
RM 349 HRDC Claimable
  • Certification
  • Real Case Application

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